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January 9, 2024

7 ai tools for marketing (you must use them)

The 7 best AI Marketing Tools you must use to empower your marketing and take advantage of AI

Alain Briez
Reddot Growth

Marketing is undergoing a revolutionary change, thanks to artificial intelligence tools (AI). This exciting technology is reshaping every aspect of the field, from content generation to managing customer relationships. Marketers are using AI to automate repetitive tasks, refine their marketing strategies with data-driven insights, and tailor personalized experiences for their audience—efforts that can boost both engagement and brand loyalty.

In a sea of available AI-powered tools, it can be daunting to identify which ones will best serve your marketing objectives. With that in mind, we've curated a list of the top 10 AI marketing tools to consider in 2024. These innovative solutions cater to various facets of marketing, including:

  • Content creation and copywriting driven by AI
  • AI-enhanced email marketing and customer relationship management
  • Social media and digital advertising tools embedded with AI
  • AI tools for SEO and content optimization

No matter if you're a content creator, running an e-commerce business, or diving into affiliate marketing, these AI tools are designed to propel your business forward and help you achieve your marketing ambitions with greater speed and efficiency.

AI-Powered Content Creation and Copywriting Tools

Creating content that engages and persuades your audience is one of the trickiest aspects of marketing. This can range from composing compelling blog posts and emails to crafting catchy social media captions, effective web copy, or detailed product descriptions. Your content must not only attract attention but also embody your brand’s unique voice and style.

Thankfully, AI-powered content creation and copywriting tools are available to ease this process. These tools are built on sophisticated natural language processing and machine learning technologies to produce high-caliber content that aligns with your input and preferences. They are also designed to enhance your content for SEO, improve readability, and bolster conversion rates.

As we look ahead to 2024, here are some top AI-powered content creation and copywriting tools to consider:

1. Lnchr AI

Lnchr AI is an AI-driven marketing platform is revolutionizing the way campaigns are created, allowing you to produce them within seconds through its generative AI capabilities. Say goodbye to the costs of hiring a full-time marketer—Lnchr.app can launch your advertising initiatives quickly and efficiently. From crafting compelling copy and creatives for your landing pages, ads, and emails to utilizing machine learning and natural language processing, this tool generates content that resonates with your target audience.

Email Marketing and Customer Relationship AI Tools

Email marketing remains one of the most impactful channels for engaging customers, boasting high ROI. Yet, mastering this tool involves significant time and attention to detail—from segmenting your audience to drafting engaging subject lines and body content, running A/B tests, and evaluating the outcomes. Additionally, it's vital to sustain a positive connection with your customers by delivering content that is both relevant and timely.

Enter the realm of email marketing and customer relationship artificial intelligence (AI) tools. These advanced technologies are designed to streamline the creation and improvement of your email campaigns, ensuring they resonate and convert. By analyzing your customer's specific behaviors, preferences, and requirements, these AI tools enable you to send highly personalized email communications. Let's explore some top-notch email marketing and customer relationship AI tools you should consider in 2024:

2. Seventh Sense

With Seventh Sense, an AI-infused tool that integrates seamlessly with HubSpot and Marketo, you can fine-tune the timing and frequency of your emails for each recipient based on their unique engagement history and preferences. This strategic approach can enhance your email's deliverability, increase open and click-through rates, and boost conversions. Additionally, it contributes to lowering rates of email fatigue and unsubscriptions. Seventh Sense also offers valuable analytics and insights, giving you the upper hand to elevate your email strategy above the competition.

3. Phrasee

Phrasee acts as your AI-assisted copywriting partner, creating high-quality content tailored to your email marketing needs. Whether it's subject lines, pre-headers, message bodies, or calls to action, Phrasee's toolkit produces several variations for you to select from. Based on your input keywords, topics, or concepts, the platform generates compelling copy, while offering tools for grammar checking, keyword enhancement, and AI content analysis. By harnessing natural language generation and machine learning, Phrasee delivers copy that isn’t just grammatically sound and on-brand, but also factual and captivating.

4. Persado

Persado is a generative AI platform that elevates your email marketing with precisely crafted language, determined by its exclusive linguistic database. The platform combines an extensive knowledge base, cutting-edge AI, deep learning models, and a strategic decision engine to produce language that's tailor-made to inspire action in each unique individual. Persado goes beyond generating effective email subject lines and body content—it also offers insights on language usage and performance analytics, proving its ability to outpace even your best copy 96% of the time.

Social Media and Advertising AI Tools

Exploring social media and advertising is crucial for connecting with your target audience online. However, the intricacies of managing and refining your campaigns can be daunting, involving a myriad of tasks such as creating multiple ad variations, monitoring budgets, and dissecting performance data.

Enter social media and advertising AI tools—your digital sidekicks. These intelligent solutions aid in crafting and fine-tuning your campaigns across a plethora of platforms. They're the secret to automating and expanding your marketing efforts, offering key insights and tailored recommendations to elevate your ROI. Here's a glimpse at some top-tier social media and advertising AI tools to consider in 2024:

5. Pattern89

Imagine having a crystal ball for your digital creative endeavors—that's [Pattern89]. This AI-driven platform scrutinizes billions of data points from your Facebook and Instagram ads, supplying you with actionable insights to sharpen your creative strategy. Want to see how your ads might perform before they go live? Pattern89's predictive capabilities and one-click launch feature streamline the process, ensuring your best creatives are always out front.

6. Lately

To stay consistent and impactful in your social media universe, [Lately] is the AI-powered command center you need. It transforms your blogs, podcasts, and videos into engaging social media posts using the latest in language processing and machine learning. Beyond content creation, Lately assists in scheduling, publishing, and measuring your content's reach and engagement, ensuring your social media strategy achieves peak performance.

SEO and Content Optimization AI Tools

Enhancing your website's visibility and drawing organic traffic hinge on SEO and content optimization. Yet this process can often be overwhelming and complex, involving keyword, topic, and competitor research plus the need to create content that's relevant, in-depth, and well-structured.

Enter SEO and content optimization AI tools—intelligent solutions designed to simplify the process of researching, writing, and optimizing your SEO content. They can audit your existing content, uncover imperfections and opportunities, and provide actionable insights and advice to elevate the quality and impact of your content. Check out these leading SEO and content optimization AI tools for 2024:

7. Clearscope

Clearscope is a platform designed to enhance your content's reach. Through natural language processing and machine learning, Clearscope examines your keywords, topics, and competitor insights, offering targeted suggestions for content enhancement and better search engine recognition. Bonus: Clearscope is user-friendly with seamless integrations, plus it offers training and support geared towards SEO mastery and content ranking.

Explore Lnchr.app. As it's currently in alpha testing, an exclusive offer is available to you—a subscription at 65% savings. Click the link below and join the marketing revolution today!

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